James E. Vos Memorial Invitational 2016

James E. Vos Memorial Invitational 2016

A Buddies Trip...A Lasting Legacy

"When buddie's golf succeeds it resuscitates the soul. We return to our lives as if from a spiritual retreat, reminded by imperfect pastors that we ought to quit chasing perfection and enjoy life." Golf Digest, December 2009.

A lesson like that knows no offseason. In 1988 four friends hatched an idea to spend two days in northern Michigan competing in three two-man events over three different courses--the winning team earning a full-course dinner and bragging rights until next year. It was right after the first 36-hole day, sitting on the deck at Shanty Creek Resort, watching the sun set over Lake Bellaire, reliving shots hit stoney and stone-like, mesmerized by a fervent purple and pink sky, the four friends instinctively knew, "This is perfect."

A trip was born, a lasting legacy begun. Since that first trip, friends and family have gathered each June, bound by the rich traditions of the game and lasting friendships forged in the cathedrals and cellars of Michigan golf: Boyne, Treetops, Garland, Wuskowhan, The Legend, Cedar River, The Chief, Wicked Trick, I mean, Crooked Stick, Bay Harbor, A-ga-ming, Black Forest, Antrim Dells, and countless others.

What began as four friends, 54 holes over two days has grown to as many as 28 golfers, 162 holes over 4 days. We are bound by the very things that make up the pillars of golf: love, honor, and respect.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Let the Games Begin--2012 Tournament Pairings

Lewiston, MI--The James E. Vos, Sr. Memorial Invitational executive committee today announced the final pairings for the 25th anniversary tournament to be held next week Sunday through Tuesday, June 2-5 at Garland Lodge and Resort.

Creating tournament pairings is usually reserved for the night before each day's play. Doing this (selected by lot) creates anticipation and excitement for the next day's pairings. It does, however, take up considerable time.  Because of the record number of participants for the 25th anniversary event (28), the executive committee agreed it would be necessary to create and and publish the tournament pairings in advance in order to save time each evening, create some unique pairings (e.g. family's playing together), and ensure participants play with as many other participants as possible.

Even with a group of twenty-eight it is impossible to eliminate any doubling-up of people playing together multiple times. The executive committee's pairings ensures this has been minimized, however. Only eleven participants play with or against the same person twice.

The executive committee did agree, however, that Monday's singles matches would be selected by lot on Monday evening--on the eve of the singles matches.

Herewith, the pairings. Morning tee times begin at 7:30am Sunday and Monday are are spaced ten minutes apart. Afternoon tee times begin at 1:30pm and are also spaced ten minutes apart.

A full spreadsheet with each pairing and specific tee times will be emailed to all participants later this week.

In related news, and in keeping with tradition, Team Grand Haven will be the Recovery Shots team for the duration of the tournament. Team World will be the Fairway Finders. For those new to the tournament, these long held team names derive from beloved and oft-repeated phrases spoken by the tournament's namesake, James E. Vos, Sr.

Sunday, June 3 - Monarch course, morning round (match play)

Recovery Shots  vs. Fairway Finders
1. Brian Van Hall/Don VanZee vs. Tony Vroon/Dave Tanis
2. Jack Vos/Sam Vos vs. Dan VanderWal/Kyle VanderWal
3. Ken Terpstra/Steve Elenbaas vs. Thom Anema/Dick Anema
4. Jon Vos/Jeff Stuk vs. Ken Klunder/John Topliff
5. Jim Warners/Bob Warners vs. Mark Vandenberge/Phil Vandenberge
6. Dan Rosema/Chris Grek vs. Jeff Tanis/Owen Tanis
7. John Mulder/Jim Baker vs. Rodg Rice/Mark Rice

Sunday, June 3 - Swampfire course, afternoon round (stroke play)

Recovery Shots vs. Fairway Finders
1. Sam Vos/Jon Vos vs. Tony Vroon/John Topliff
2. Don Van Zee/Jim Warners vs. Dan VanderWal/Dick Anema
3. Dan Rosema/Jack Vos vs. Thom Anema/Mark Vandenberge
4. Bob Warners/Brian Van Hall vs. Dave Tanis/Owen Tanis
5. John Mulder/Chris Grek vs. Phil Vandenberge/Jeff Tanis
6. Jim Baker/Steve Elenbaas vs. Mark Rice/Kyle VanderWal
7. Jeff Stuk/Ken Terpstra vs. Ken Klunder/Rodg Rice

Monday, June 4 - Swampfire course, morning round (match play)

Recovery Shots vs. Fairway Finders
1. Dirk VanZee/Jack Vos vs. Mark Vandenberge/Jeff Tanis
2. Chris Grek/Jim Baker vs. Dick Anema/Phil Vandenberge
3. John Mulder/Dan Rosema vs. John Topliff/Mark Rice
4. Brian Van Hall/Ken Terpstra vs. Dan VanderWal/Ken Klunder
5. Jim Warners/Jon Vos vs. Dave Tanis/Rodg Rice
6. Sam Vos/Jeff Stuk vs. Thom Anema/Tony Vroon
7. Don Van Zee/Bob Warners vs. Owen Tanis/Kyle VanderWal

Monday, June 4 - Reflections course, afternoon round (scramble)

Recover Shots vs. Fairway Finders
1. Jon Vos/Dirk VanZee vs. Dan Vander Wal/Mark Rice
2. Ken Terpstra/Dan Rosema vs. Phil Vandenberge/Dave Tanis
3. Jack Vos/John Mulder vs. Dick Anema/Rodg Rice
4. Jeff Stuk/Jim Baker vs. Owen Tanis/Mark Vandenberge
5. Sam Vos/Don Van Zee vs. Thom Anema/Kyle VanderWal
6. Brian Van Hall/Jim Warners vs. John Topliff/Jeff Tanis
7. Bob Warners/Chris Grek vs. Ken Klunder/Tony Vroon

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