James E. Vos Memorial Invitational 2016

James E. Vos Memorial Invitational 2016

A Buddies Trip...A Lasting Legacy

"When buddie's golf succeeds it resuscitates the soul. We return to our lives as if from a spiritual retreat, reminded by imperfect pastors that we ought to quit chasing perfection and enjoy life." Golf Digest, December 2009.

A lesson like that knows no offseason. In 1988 four friends hatched an idea to spend two days in northern Michigan competing in three two-man events over three different courses--the winning team earning a full-course dinner and bragging rights until next year. It was right after the first 36-hole day, sitting on the deck at Shanty Creek Resort, watching the sun set over Lake Bellaire, reliving shots hit stoney and stone-like, mesmerized by a fervent purple and pink sky, the four friends instinctively knew, "This is perfect."

A trip was born, a lasting legacy begun. Since that first trip, friends and family have gathered each June, bound by the rich traditions of the game and lasting friendships forged in the cathedrals and cellars of Michigan golf: Boyne, Treetops, Garland, Wuskowhan, The Legend, Cedar River, The Chief, Wicked Trick, I mean, Crooked Stick, Bay Harbor, A-ga-ming, Black Forest, Antrim Dells, and countless others.

What began as four friends, 54 holes over two days has grown to as many as 28 golfers, 162 holes over 4 days. We are bound by the very things that make up the pillars of golf: love, honor, and respect.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Pre-Tournament Recon

Byron Center, MI--The James E. Vos Memorial Invitational executive committee announced today they have asked executive committee member, Mark Rice, to form a small team and head north to Garland this week in order to conduct pre-tournament reconnaissance and prepare the courses for the 25th anniversary competition. Joining Rice will be Rodger Rice, Jeff Tanis, and Dave Tanis. Among the team's objectives are:

1. Survey, photography, and assessment of the Garland Villa lodging arrangements.
2. Careful course inspection of tournament courses, specifically the Monarch and Swampfire courses.
3. Inspection and trial of on-and-off-property breakfast and dinner options including beer sampling.
4. Collection of tournament scorecards.
5. Meet with Garland management for final tournament preparation details.
6. Inspection of possible private gathering room to be used as an evening post-match tournament lounge.
7. Inspection of large on-course putting green to determine feasibility of a tournament putting contest.
8. Inspection of other area golf courses as possible future tournament sites.

The foursome will leave Grand Rapids Wednesday, May 16 and return Friday evening, May 18. Rice has been asked to post a full report with photos upon his return.


  1. The Executive Commitee should seriously consider requiring the official Tournament photographer to participate in any future evaluative endeavors, in an effort to present the most accurate and comprehensive summary of the venue. And the beer. Just a thought.

  2. Excellent idea, Doc Mulder! Wish I woulda thunk it. Next time....
